What Is

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What Is

I’m not an entertainer.
I don’t need your love.
I’m not doing this for you.
A fan needs it to be authentic.
He may want you to kill yourself,
or hold a funeral for your old image,
rub your chest with broken glass. 
Prove how down you are.
So I’ll just tell you right out.
Everything I’m doing here is an act  
(is completely authentic,)
made up manipulated
a virtual rape of my inner mind

This is the world we live in.  
Everything in your house contains a million ideas.
Everything in your city was built by someone’s mind extending itself into hands and tools.
You may think your thoughts are your own instead of billion year old entities that are passing through you.  You may think you are the only one who has felt your feelings of strangeness from what is, 
because you are still under the spell of what is. You still don’t know how to tune in, 
much less turn on and drop out.

Someday you will get good at what you do,
or you will imagine yourself something grand.
And when you find you can’t even approach it in reality,
you’ll focus on the work of your hands.

Copyright © 2007 by David Larstein, all rights reserved

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