December 1963
For the last 50 years, I have developed an improvisational compositional technique using multitrack recording. This tone poem was written to be an actual orchestral piece, but it was not worked out with pencil, paper, and piano. Instead it was composed and performed in the controlled yet improvised environment of a multi-track recording studio.
December, 1963
Weather threatened rain.
Walked across the quad.
Heard Taps bounce off the cafeteria walls.
Football game was cancelled.
School they let out early.
Walked home, watched tv all weekend.
Ruby shoot Oswald,
John-John’s salute,
horses and soldiers
marching, marching.
Riflemen salute.
We Shall Overcome,
heard in the smoking gun barrels,
or a ghost song moaning
in my held breath speechless body?
Life went on, head down,
through December rains.
Then one night Jack Paar
ran a home movie
of the next new thing.
Nothing changed for a month or two.
Then suddenly there was a multitude
of heavenly girls singing
Joy to the World
disguised as I Wanna
Hold Your Hand.
Copyright © 2005, 2014 by David Larstein, all rights reserved.